View Persona
Camile Bassey

Overwhelmed Modern Parent

I have a crazy busy job, three kids (9, 14, 17), a husband, and two dogs.  Relaxing makes me nervous.

Site looks like it is just for testing adults.

Accidently clicks "chat" instead of "next".

Can't click on FAQ during purchase.

Doesn't feel updated each step of the way after completion.

Is confused by "If a diagnosis was made".

Fax of diagnosis doesn't go through to PCP.

Sees no details about what happened at Will's last visit.

Can't contact doctor about med side effects.



Reassurance that the providers work with children and adults.

The ability to get help, but only when she actually needs it!

The ability to get all of her questions answered before clicking "Pay $149".

Confidence that her son's assessment is in progress.

Confidence that the report is complete and specific to Will.

Trust that her son's PHI is safe.

Methods to review Will's progress.

Ways to keep Will's school in the loop.

Transparency around the MA to Provider relationship.


More imagery with children.

Copy stating "serving patients age 5 to 105!"

Make "chat" button visibly different than "next" button, and ensure there is no overlap.

Allow patients to click out of payment drawer.

An assessment tracker, showing when it is submitted, when it is "in review", and when it is complete.

Make report content more conditional.

Confirmation that a fax was sent.

The ability to fax only the diagnosis page and not the full assessment and answers.

Add after visit summaries to patient portal.

Add ability to message provider in portal (though MA actually handles it).

Information Needs

A resource page devoted to "Parents".

Details on how to submit insurance claims.

A single FAQ which is available from both web and portal.

More robust statuses in the portal.

A "how to read your assessment results" FAQ or even video

FAQ on talking to your provider about the assessment and diagnosis.

Articles on how to work with your child's school. Stories highlighting the long journey of ADHD.

A "how to" guide for patients of children with ADHD.


Pain Point

Site looks like it is just for testing adults.


Reassurance that the providers work with children and adults.


More imagery with children.

Copy stating "serving patients age 5 to 105!"

Information Need

A resource page devoted to "Parents".


Pain Point

Accidently clicks "chat" instead of "next".


The ability to get help, but only when she actually needs it!


Make "chat" button visibly different than "next" button, and ensure there is no overlap.

Information Need

Details on how to submit insurance claims.


Pain Point

Can't click on FAQ during purchase.


The ability to get all of her questions answered before clicking "Pay $149".


Allow patients to click out of payment drawer.

Information Need

A single FAQ which is available from both web and portal.


Pain Point

Doesn't feel updated each step of the way after completion.


Confidence that her son's assessment is in progress.


An assessment tracker, showing when it is submitted, when it is "in review", and when it is complete.

Information Need

More robust statuses in the portal.


Pain Point

Is confused by "If a diagnosis was made".


Confidence that the report is complete and specific to Will.


Make report content more conditional.

Information Need

A "how to read your assessment results" FAQ or even video


Pain Point

Fax of diagnosis doesn't go through to PCP.


Trust that her son's PHI is safe.


Confirmation that a fax was sent.

The ability to fax only the diagnosis page and not the full assessment and answers.

Information Need

FAQ on talking to your provider about the assessment and diagnosis.


Pain Point

Sees no details about what happened at Will's last visit.


Methods to review Will's progress.

Ways to keep Will's school in the loop.


Add after visit summaries to patient portal.

Information Need

Articles on how to work with your child's school. Stories highlighting the long journey of ADHD.


Pain Point

Can't contact doctor about med side effects.


Transparency around the MA to Provider relationship.


Add ability to message provider in portal (though MA actually handles it).

Information Need

A "how to" guide for patients of children with ADHD.